Just about anyone you ask will tell you they could use more energy. This has given rise to the large and growing market of energy drinks. Most of these pair caffeine or guarana with large amounts of sugar to give a quick, but short-lived boost of energy.

Revvida is a truly balanced energy drink. It contains caffeine and guarana for immediate energy, but also adds cutting-edge ingredients that support energy production at the cellular level, improve mental clarity, help slow down the effects of aging on energy production and counter the negative impact of stress. These ingredients include a complete and powerful B-vitamin complex, D-ribose, alpha lipoic acid, rhodiola rosea, pyruvate, lecithin, betaine, magnesium and trace minerals.

Revvida is packaged as a dry powder in convenient, individual serving packets. You mix it in water or juice to provide a delicious source of balanced energy. This packaging ensures freshness and full potency. If you are among the people who could use more energy, try the drink that will give you a balanced boost - try Revvida today!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Ted Shropshire, Tulsa, OK


I attended the Tulsa convention and tested the new energy drink, Revvida. Shortly after taking the drink I noticed an immediate energy boost and just felt better.

I was skeptical about going to bed and resting well after taking the drink late in the afternoon. When I went to bed, I slept like a baby.

What was so incredible was that I woke up after about 6 hours and was totally revitalized and had more energy the next day. I love the energy 'hangover'!"

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